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Aerofly Professional Deluxe 5.5: Tips and Tricks for Mastering the Simulator


the aerofly pro deluxe and the aerofly5, rc7 and fs use an encrypted 3D model. And only the af5, rc7 and fs are compatible for the most part. Its not possible to get the original model back from the afpd aircraft and convert it into the rc7 format. Therefor a new Christen Eagle 3D model is needed. Creating a 3D model takes a lot of time if you want it to look O.K.

All parts that shall rotate independent or brake lose have to be a seperate object in the 3D model. Each object can only have one texture file attached to it. You can put multiple objects on one texture but not the other way around. Its better to have one huge texture than one texture for each part. The aerofly is optimized to join objects that share the same texture and increase the performance by doing so.Also 3D parts should be water-prove, which, I think, makes the shadow calculation better or faster. At least the converter for mqo files throws errors at you, which you can ignore, but you don't have to

Aerofly Professional Deluxe 5.5

I noticed that it works fine even when they are not closed.How do you create a canopy with a water prove 3d object? The aerofly renders the inside like a very shiny surface that is not transparent in all directions (its dependent on the viewing angle). Untill now I just removed all triangles facing to the inside. I know professional models do some shader trick, but I don't know how that is done. Maybe someone can tell me?

5 years ago I signed up for this forum. First I started downloading user-aircrafts for the old aerofly Professional Deluxe (AFPD), put them on a USB stick and visited my friend who was also into RC-Planes and I installed them on his AFPD so that we could fly them together. That was a lot of fun so I decided to create my own aircraft for the AFPD simulator. I learned how to use the modeling software Metasequoia and made all kinds of different aircrafts which I could not afford in real live I was getting better at flying but most of it was just for fun. Some aircraft I even uploaded to and later onto my own website: ASH 31 Mi, Multiplex Mentor, PC-21, Stobel V2 and the Steigeisen F3K.

Then the aerofly5 was released but it took some time until I could afford my own copy of it. It was running OK on my laptop but of course it was running much better on my friend pc. :p And of course I could not live without my own aircraft in the aerofly5 So I jumped into the cold water and experimented a lot. Nobody had every created a user-aircraft for the aerofly5 back then. But there where some similarities that both sims shared. What I did was trying to get the simplest of all of my aircraft to work in the aerofly5, the Stobel V2. It did not took very long but the aircraft looked terrible So I redid the textures. And then I started to make the flight behaviour realistic. That took just about a YEAR In the meantime I modified some exisiting aircraft and really increased my knowledge by doing so. I met awesome people in the multiplayer and we talked a lot via Skype. It was back then where I discovered the first problems with setting up aircrafts and also some bugs in the aerofly5. I went ahead and reported them to the IPACS support. The developers themselfs answered! And I became a beta-tester for the aerofly5... Due to the close contact to the developers I learned a lot about the aerofly5. I started my second big project for the aerofly5: the ASH-31 Mi. It should be a TrueScale aircraft but soon I also started to create a 8.4m model of it because apparently it took only little efford to get the aircraft scaled down. Because I am a real glider pilot I knew somewhat how the ASH-31 should behave in the sky. So I adjusted its flight behaviour over and over again.

With all that knowledge and experience we I could help Danny Dr.Dumbthumbs Young to modify the the Katana unlimited [YouTube video of us flying]. He flew this aircraft in real life and I was the one who knew how to make that behaviour possible in the aerofly. It was a great team work and we were pretty satisfied with the result. We even send IPACS a copy and let them test it. And they did add it to the simulator! That was pretty cool and a great honor for us!

And then I started to go a step further. A new update for the aerofly5 just came out which gave us instruments. And with instruments I was able to do crazy things... Taking the altimeter and hooking it to the elevator... OK that works. Thats awesome! What else... ah I can messure the distance an aircraft rolled on the ground... Cool One thing after the other went like a charm. I programmed the first autopilot in one evening. The next day I started to create the automated towing planes. I knew I was the only one (back then) who made such a thing possible! Even the developers could not believe there eyes :D.

With the new aeroflyFS just released I quickly adjusted the aerofly5 ASH-31 and made it fly in the new simulator. For a very long time this was the only free avaiable add-on for the simulator. And the demand was and still is very large. Today the download page of my ASH-31 Mi for the aeroflyFS has almost 22,000 visitors (not just clicks...)!

Moving on in time... the aerofly FS version 1.2 and aerofly RC 7 were released and suddenly my aircraft were not comatible with the newer aerofly But after some time I sat down again and fixed the aircrafts. Today I have the most important aircraft converted to the aerofly RC 7: The ASH-31 glider, the auto-towing planes, some modifications and now the Stobel V2 which I uploaded some hours ago here in this forum: -Stobel-V2

Simulators not only help new pilots learn to fly, even the professional pilots use RC simulators for perfecting aerobaticsand preparing themselves for the next competition. They're an absolutenecessity for practicing those low altitude 3D maneuvers.



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